Saturday 3 January 2009

Six Cats Revived After House Fire

A rather sad but also quite uplifting newspaper report - along with a rather sad, sweet photograph - that caught my attention the other day, and tapped into one of my biggest fears: What would happen if I was out and my house caught fire - would my cats know to get out of the cat flap quickly, before the smoke overwhelmed them? Does anyone else spend far too long agonising about this kind of thing, or is it just me that finds himself rushing to disengage the nearest multiplug adaptor after reading this?


jmuhj said...

It's wonderful that they were all rescued and revived. Heartening, too, that more people are realizing the value of cats to those who love them.

Liz said...

oh that picture is so cute...makes me want to cry! am so pleased the firefighters realised how important it was to help them. And Tom - yes - I also think about what Squeaky would do in a fire - I think his first reaction would be to hide, and I often turn my car around on the way out somewhere to just pop back home and check my hair straightener is actually unplugged...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also fear about fire in the house while I'm not around. I wonder how my dear furry ball will hide and I wish she wouldn't be harmed. I also fear about robbers who would hurt my cat (don't really care about being robbed though ^^)
It's sad one of the moggy died but it's amazing that the firemen went into the house to try & save the cats. Really, I can't believe it !! It's amazing.
I often think people are bastards but there are wonderful people too.

Anonymous said...

This so wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes and ditto to jmuhj what said!

SG said...

It's not just you who worries about these things. We worry too. Especially as we don't have a cat flap.

Our late Stevie cat was named after Steve McQueen as he made a great escape as he was rescued from a 'towering inferno' before finding himself at the shelter. He wasn't with us long but we will always be glad of being able to give him a home.

tim relf said...

Thanks a bunch - you've given me something else cat-related to worry about now Tom!

needmebed said...

My house was broken into a couple of months back whilst i was on holiday... my immediate concern was my 2 beautiful girls... the 'toe-rags' had smashed a window and my natural assuption was that they had gotten out as i could find them... my girls arew house cats you see and don't know what 'outside' is... after a huge frantic search i couldnt find either of them i was totally beside myself... how could i find my babies? as the tears streaked down my cheeks as i was curled up in the arm chair crying hysterically... i heard a noise ... i ran up the stairs to find button (the baby) hiding in the bedroom in a dim dark corner behind some boxes... tears continued to blind me as she wouldnt come out and i couldnt reach here... i still hadnt found her older sister milly.... as i contemplated my next move a litte face appeared between the banisters... i was so relieved ... i have never been so happy! i still have no idea where she was hiding ... they both got fish for tea that day for being sensible and hiding from the bad men and not coming out til they knew it was safe and mummy was home... im so glad it all came to a happy ending...i daren't even think about what 'could' have happened..

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to stumble across this story and God bless those firefighters and whoever alerted them to the fact there were cats in peril. That family is so lucky to still have their furry loved ones. Those firefighters are heros. Sadly, I know firsthand what it's like when things don't go as well. One day this past April while I was at work, a fire broke out in my condominium building. It started in the condo immediately next to mine and in under an hour everything was reduced to nothing but ashes and rubble. The five beautiful feline loves of my life were home at the time - Beeper, 17, Daisy, 12, Toobie, 1 year, Joey 6 months, and Gingey, 6 months. With the exception of Gingey, they were all killed. Several of my neighbours were home when the fire broke out and knew I had cats, and yet none of them thought to mention it to the firefighters. They might have been saved, but noone even tried. Little 6-month-old Gingey actually saved himself by jumping out of the fourth floor window and falling 4 stories to the ground below. Miraculously he survived (minus one amputated hind leg) and has been my source of strength since that horrific day. He is my hero in so many ways. My heart is shattered in so many pieces that my other four loves had to go through that and I miss them so much I feel as if I will never over it. I was so happy to read about this story on your blog, but it is tinged with tears for my own four. All I have to say to people is, don't assume your neighbours will act on your behalf in your absence. I presumed mine would and I was terribly wrong. Put many "Save my animals" signs up on all entry points to your home as well as several windows. Make a clear agreement with several trustworthy neighbours that you will act on each other's behalf in emergencies. Give them "friendly" reminders at regular intervals. I wish to God I had done this. I never dreamed something like this could happen on a workday like any other. I remember that morning I fed my babies and they all came running to eat. Feeling rushed, I dashed out the door to work, assuming I would see them all that afternoon when I got home. That was the last time I saw them. How I wish I had taken a few extra moments with them that morning. Don't worry neurotically that this will happen to you, because chances are it will not. But do whatever you can to protect them in the unlikely event that it does happen and then you can leave your home with peace of mind.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment, Marina. That is truly terrible and you have my greatest sympathies. We've recently had an extra catflap installed, which hopefully will help in the event of disaster. Now I come to think about it, maybe I should have the house rewired as well!

P.S. I have written a bit more on this subject in my column in the spring issue of The Cat (Cats Protection) Magazine.