Well, there have been tough-looking cats, there have been calmly sinister-looking cats, and there have been cats who look like they've entered entirely the wrong competition, but the standard of entries has been remarkably high, and in the end it's come down to the ten highly impressive bruisers below.
The official closing date for entries is Wednesday, so I'm keeping two more possible places free for any particularly brutish latecomers who happen to turn up. That said, they're going to have to be seriously hard to make it.
I'll be announcing the winner towards the end of the week.
Feel free to post comments in a shameless attempt to influence the outcome. I'm very suggestible (but not THAT suggestible - sorry Magina and her fanclub, you didn't quite make the cut).
From top: Nala, Ginger Tough, Boomer, Bowcat, Milo, Cappuccino, Salem, Zorro, Lou and Maurice. And two late additions: Sid Vicious and Tilly.