I've been following the news section of Celia Hammond's CHAT website, and the saga of her attempts to capture Blackjack, for a while now. So far, Celia and her helpers have rescued 186 cats from the 2012 London Olympics site, but the mysterious Blackjack (seen above, sitting on the skip, in true movie outlaw pose) has outwitted them. Celia has now been denied access to the site by the Olympic Delivery Authority, so unless the ODA change their mind (petition, anyone?) and grant her a few extra days to search, it's unlikely Blackjack will ever be found.
Aww thats sad :( I hope they let them back in to search for him. 186 cats wow!
What about a humane trap? With foods and catnip and yummy milks ...... ::Drool::
Ummm, has that been trieds yet?
That is tragic news. Is there nothing that can be done to help Black Jack? Wow this woman is amazing!
He seems to be such a smart cat - won't he just find another place to roam once the construction starts? Or are we missing something?
I wonder if the workmen can keep their eyes out for him. They are ,after all, human and may even own a cat or two. Surely they are not all heartless!
Purrs Mickey
We read about Blackjack before and had hoped he had been captured by now. We hate to think of anything happening to him.
We just hope Blackjack has someplace else to relocate to when they start construction. Who knows, he might wind up as a pet or mascot for some construction crew.
We can hope, anyway.
Poor Blackjack. :( We really hope he is rescued soon.
We're of course partial to black kitties, but we hope all the cats are rescued from the site.
If poor Blackjack cannot be captured, I sincerely hope that he runs away when the construction starts. He sounds smart enough to know when things get dangerous.
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