Wednesday 17 June 2009

Pablo: Not Such An Anomaly For Having An IQ Of 5 after all?

"It will cause outrage among some cat owners, but research suggests the pets are not as clever as some humans assumed – or at least they think in a way we have yet to fathom,"
writes James Meikle on The Guardian website this week....


Anonymous said...

Read that article earlier today. Sounds like lecturer Britta Osthaus was a test subject herself.

Anonymous said...

Read that article earlier today. Sounds like lecturer Britta Osthaus was a test subject herself!

lambj said...

Cats are too smart to subject to testing ;-)

Michelle said...

Perhaps cats are like people...some are smart and others are "not so smart". I mean, is everyone you know smart? I have some very clever cats and some that aren't so clever. If their personalities are different, perhaps their intelligence level is as well ;)

jmuhj said...

To the researchers, I say (cleaning it up, for this site) "BULL PUCKEY!"

As all of us who love and live with cats know, felines are far smarter than humans, and certainly miles above the (canines). But slaves or sycophants, they're not. Guess that's why manipulative/control freak types can't acknowledge their superiority over the human (and {canine}) types.

Liz said...

it would be an understatement to say i'm 'yet to fathom' what goes in in Squeaky's mind...

rachel kitko said...

The task -- PLAYING WITH STRING -- is too intrinsically rewarding to cats for it to be a reliable or even sensible part of cat testing protocol. A cat would have to be pretty hungry/thirsty for it to be able to pay more attention to what's tied to the string than the string itself.

Unknown said...

Work to get at a treat?????
That's what cats have servants for!!!!