Mr Pickles, from Jodi:

Fatima, from Daniel:

Fats, from Lisa:

Zooey, from Ann:

Tabby, from Rachel:

Pellos, from Jessica:

Kian, from Katie:

Strange Anonymous Narcoleptic Fence Cat, from Nadia:

Kitty, from Brainne:

Tim, from Carol:

Dexter, from Stephanie:

Fred, from Marah:

Villi, from Lindsey:

Doos, from Rachel:

My top 3 are:
- Pellos
- Anonymous Narcoleptic cat
- Villi
Good luck chosing one!
Villi and Zooey for sure..and I type this as two of my 13 hapless furs play on the lounge floor in front og me.....
Pellos...paws down!
followed by...
My Pickles..
Narco Puss...(the sleepy fence sitter)
I love Villi, Tim and Fats....
RIP Mitchell - one of last years winners - may The Most Witless-Looking cat competition continue - it's wonderful
my top three are
Fred, from Marah
Tim, from Carol
Villi, from Lindsey
Stella from Jill deserves special mention for awesomeness, but I really wouldn't call her witless (Stella'd probably get the drop on me and take me out if I did)
Difficult to choose a top 3, but I think I have to go for:
-Narcoleptic Fence Cat
-Tim (especially the third photo)
Pellos made me laugh!!!
Mr Pickles (Hahahaha)
& Villi
Pellos!!! Too funny.
Is Villi alive? He gets my vote. :)
I wish to protest in the strongest terms. I know I've left it aweflea late, as is my wont, but the Facebook page for this competition specifically implied that entries would close at 3pm today. It is not even 3pm in London, let alone, say, LA. And the picture of Sunduri nuzzling a leaf, which I wish to submit, is WAY dafter than any of the above, admittedly highly gorm-challenged specimens. I implore you to accept more submissions towards one more shortlist place. Otherwise I warrant you may have a Tabby Revolution on your hands. :-)
Third - Dexter, the tumbling cat
Second - Villi and the pink-striped bear
All important Firsst -
Pellos - with the happy 'Look what I've got' expression
Fats, from Lisa ALL THE WAY!!!
My favorite is Fats!
come on Kitty!!!!!!!
# 3. Anonymous Narcoleptic Fence Cat
# 2. Pellos
# 1. Fred
Fred - what . .. just what?
Pellos - one has to ask what is going on in there . ..
ANFC - awesome name
Mary Toothman votes for Fats
I vote for Fats, from Lisa. However, they are all pretty hilarious :)
Tim and Villi have that special something. Or lack of something.
Tad votes for Fats
Gotta vote for Fats. Bet he plays a mean game of pool.
STELLA!!! Acts first - thinks later!
Tim, Tim, Tim!
What a face!
Fats, Fats, Fats !!!
I'm sad my Victor didn't make it, but in that case:
all are good but my vote goes to kitty, villi and fred...
I vote for Fats.
Fats from Lisa... although all of them are too cute!
I vote for Fats, Tim, and Villi.
I must agree that Stella is awesome but NOT witless-looking!
Villi gets my vote, what a loon. But I can't believe you knocked out that cat that danced like Bez from the Happy Mondays
Fats' looks witless
I vote for Kian - any self respecting cat that lets a bird sit on its head must be witless.
Stella obviously has all her wits about her to get into those positions - we just don't know what those wits were telling her.
Fats, Kian, Tim & Villi are the best! A couple of the others are also awesome, but I didn't think they were witless looking....
i vote for stella in the picture where's stuck against the wall, mr. pickles with a box on his head and pelli because he just looks so cute with that bird in his mouth
My vote:
1: My Villi - (we have dozens of photos of him looking witless)
2: Mr Pickles - couldn't stop laughing!
3: Fats - what a fantastic specimin of catness
I vote for Villi !!!!!
They are all great - but my votes:
Mr. Fats
Stella !
Stella !!!!!!
Stella- the cat who flies!
And the winners are:
3. Tim
2. Anonymous Narcoleptic Fence Cat
and in first place:
1. DEXTER. Definitely, unequivocally, DEXTER.
Got to be Zooey, Fats and Tim (the third photo does it!)
Fats from Lisa!
Fats I my boy so I have to vote for him. If this helps his status, "Fats Domino" is 15 years old! He would LOVE to be an award-winning kitty! Go Fats!
Its got to be Pellos, or Tim (from Carol)
For witless, one can't go past a Fred.....
Pellos a close second (for the complete lack of dog awareness)
We cats here think that Fred is very cute
I vote for Fats! All he needs is a beer and a TV remote; he'd be like any witless American. He fits right in!
I vote for Fred.
I vote for the winsome Fred.
Honorable Mentions: Villi, any of them, but I LOVE the one with just his back feet showing & Dexter.
Third Place: Mr. Pickles
Second Place: Pellos
First Place: Fred
Honorable Mentions: Villi, any of them, but I LOVE the one with just his back feet showing & Dexter.
Third Place: Mr. Pickles
Second Place: Pellos
First Place: Fred
Barb H votes for Fats
Barb H votes for Fats
Barb H says it's Fats!
Fred from Marah 4 sure!
To quote the movie Rocky. The best choice is "Ssssttteeellllaaaa!"
Villi for sure. xx
I've seen cats jumping, seen m' catch things and look cute as, even seem m' cohabitate with those they prey on, but never seen one turn its neck 180 with all four feet still on the ground and upside down. I think this demonstrates a higher level of witlessness. GO FRED!
Villi is Away With The Faries! Villi To Win!=^..^=
'Witless-looking' Fred
Fats from Lisa
Tim from Carol
Villi from Lindsey
Fred, Tabby, and Mr. Pickles would get my vote. All of these are great!
Zooey, Pellos and Tim! Did love the second pic of Stella and the one of Villi with Bagpuss :)
Kirsty, currently watching Milly attenmpt to stare out a stuffed toy that came free with Iams.
I <3 Fats!
Definately Fred, from Marah! Life from a different perspective!
Villi is the best!
Villi is the best!
Mr. Pickles, Fats and Tim - yes the 3rd photo of Tim is the most witless I've ever seen.
Since Gingy didn't get chosen, I will have to go with Pellos
I have to admit, I submitted my daftest pic of The Schmoo with his tongue sticking out thinking I'd have this one wrapped up, but Villi, Anonymous Narcoleptic Cat and Mr. Pickles have achieved a level of Witlessness that The Schmoo may never reach unless he fails to wear a helmet while skydiving. VILLI VILLI VILLI!!!
Fred the fancy and flexible for sure!
FATS! He looks like he is thinking, "Ah am eh disapprovin' kitteh! Ehhh meoowww!"
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