Quite a few people have now written to me to ask where I got the t-shirt I'm wearing in the photo on the back jacket of Under The Paw (see above) - my only bit of cat-related clothing, I feel compelled to point out - so I thought I'd put a link to it here.
I really like it
Very happy to have found this blog. If you read French, please come and visit chez moi at http://dogblog.over-blog.com/
The dog was my friend Anaïs, now its me and my family and friends from time to time. That is, mostly cats with an occasional piece by a dog called Raf and when the nesting season is over by a female blackbird, La Merlette. I'll talk about your blog if you'll talk about mine, ok?
love, and keep in touch,
Aïda de la Rue (alias Dellaroo as my humains are australian)
I want to know how you schooled them to line up so conveniently for dinner. At our house, one cat eats on the top of the fridge, one on the kitchen table, two more on the sideboard, one on the dining room table and one has to be closed in the bedroom. It's the only way to prevent stealing, dish-swapping, intimidation and general mayhem... oh, yes, and to keep the dogs from getting it all.
That line up will never happen again. Mostly, it's just a scrum, involving shouting, tail-biting, and bullying (mostly of me). They were eating like that for about 50 seconds before The Bear freaked out (he's very suspicious of being exploited for commercial gain) and the photographer, Jason Bye, was skilled enough to get a few really good shots of it in that short time.
Nice shirt. Great shot. And you definitely need more cat-themed clothing.
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