Last week it was reported that, in much the same way as humans, cats can be either left or right-handed. Even since then, it seems, their dexterity has come on another giant step. A man in Florida, being held on ten counts of possessing child pornography, has blamed it on his cat jumping on the keyboard.
NB: I'm not certain that the above cat, which The Guardian have used in reporting the story, is the actual cat in question. If it's currently on its laptop and reading this - presumably whilst simultaneously looking at pictures of naked kittens - I apologise for so unthinkingly reusing its image, but presumably when it decided to take a career as a cat model, it went into the profession with its eyes fully open and knew the risks.
Looks like a wrong 'un to me. Shifty eyes....
Oh Mike, how could you ! Just look at that sweet, wide eyed, innocent expression........... (carefully cultivated no doubt)
Poor kitteh! He was only surfing the internet to find a good deal on catnip!
No, no! NO CAT IS EVER GUILTY. And if (s)he doesn't sit, you must acquit. I rest my case, Your Honor.
What a CAT-astrophy
That's Oscar...the nursing home cat in America that predicts death and sits with the patient until they pass away...not some pervy mog!
Wow. Good spot!
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