Sunday 16 August 2009

Best Clip Of "Pygmy Capybaras" Ever?


Kathryn Evans said...

Yes. Very,very cute. Miss my guineas :O(

Julie said...

It would be an understatement to say that they seem to be enjoying that!

jmuhj said...

Wow! Not only did I not know they love melon, I didn't know they make those cute noises. (Cat person here!)

The Curious Cat said...

Those little noises are ones of happiness aren't they?! - and possible guinea pig exclamations of 'yum!' and 'more!' Watermelon = guinea pig heaven!

ChrisJ said...

One of the funniest videos I've seen!

Mog said...

Until I moved here (too open plan) I always had at least 6 G-pigs, all of them rescue. There is nothing like the sound of a G-pig chorus when you rattle a bag or open the fridge door. I used to hypnotise them to clip their claws!