Tuesday 1 October 2013

NSFW: Some of the best swearing Shipley has done in the last week

"Lap up my peppered ballstick."

"Massive archives of steaming cheese."

"Fuckleberry Finn."

"Dribbly adventures with amazing jam."

"Spermy twigsticks."


"Mother of spunk!"

"Wax my downstairs whiskers."

"Pan-fried dongle journeys."

"Whispery twits."

Some more swearing Shipley has done recently.

And some more.

Read more about Shipley's foulmouthed ways in The Good, The Bad And The Furry.


Squirl said...

They're all good, but Fuckleberry Finn got the biggest laugh. :-)

Anonymous said...

My black Maxa is also a great swearer so as an expert I know what I like and they're all good!

AnnaH said...

Mother of Spunk! Lovely Shipley has surpassed himself yet again, with his great mastery of swearing.

I shall probably be using some of these myself in the next few days.

TinaLouMac said...

Without doubt, I am going to use Spermy Twigsticks in conversation. Oh Shipley you are quite the legend!

Carol from Canada said...

Can you get a video of Shipley swearing? Nothing would make me smile more. Do try!

Anonymous said...

"Wax my downstairs whiskers" - priceless, and so quotable!