Saturday 19 September 2009

Animals With Lightsabres

This site made me spit my coffee out with laughter this morning.


Mog said...

I think I just pulled a spleen muscle from laughing..very good!

Anonymous said...

TOO FUNNY, Tom !!!

The Curious Cat said...

hilarious! the things people do with their time! xxx

jmuhj said...

...just be careful not to snort it through your nose, Tom -- hot coffee wreaks havoc on delicate nasal tissues.

Get Your Cute On said...

I have so many pics that need lightsabres who do they do this??

@Lester's said...

The cats look kind of natural. In fact, I'm not that surprised they are adept with lightsabres.

Unknown said...

Great, just what is needed to make you laugh. So cute as well!

maxie cat said...

maxiecat got some glow sticks 4 his birthday cat equivilent of light sabres as they r paw size hes the darth vador of the cat world!!!