Monday 13 July 2009

Cats "Exploit" Humans By Purring

And this is news HOW exactly?


The Curious Cat said...

News to me! Oh no! Have I been exploited all this time without realising it?! Those pesky pusses! Oi you, cat! Come here, I'll see to it that you are punished...what's that? Purr purr...oh okay, you love me? yes I love you too...we're suckers...

Anonymous said...

Our momma found da same newz an' put it on our bloggy, too. Great mindz fink alike☺

Anonymous said...

...the Pope's Catholic, and bears do their stuff in the woods !

jmuhj said...

EXPLOITED AND PROUD. Rumble away, furpurries. I can take it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and humans exploit each other so they can get sex. BFD.