Friday 19 December 2008


Just to let everyone know that Under The Paw is now back in stock at amazon - and not a moment too soon, since today is the last day to order first class before Christmas first class (express delivery can be ordered until the 23rd). As a notorious gossip at my school said when she heard that her former best friend had snogged the least popular boy in the third year, one of whose parents worked part-time at the local refuse centre: "Spread it!".


florida1225 said...

Good news. If anyone is so inclined if they buy it off the Amazon store on our site Almerimar Life Strays they will help generate some funds for the strays here in Almerimar.

Every little helps .... to coin another 'old school' phrase. Sorry (well not really) for the blatant pitch but I reckon we all like cats right :-)

Anonymous said...

Just been on Amazon to buy it and it's still marked as Temporarily Out of Stock. Or has it been bought out again?

Unknown said...

Sorry - I don't know what's happened. There were copies available this morning and now they seem to have vanished. I'm assured by my publishers that amazon currently have a hundred copies in their warehouse so I'm sure that it won't be long before it's back available -hopefully tomorrow!

FuturistFi said...

Sorry, forgot to log in to comment, but I'm anonymous. Managed to get one of the 100 copies and had great fun reading it over the Xmas holidays, carefully watched by Mogliavelli (I know, funny name, long story, but you get the gist I'm sure).