I'm tempted to add several of these to the shortlist (see two posts below), but I think it's only Sid Vicious and Tilly who really make the grade. Tilly is obviously a comically ineffectual name for a hard cat, but I don't think I've ever seen a feline look so menacing - haunting, even - whilst damp. It's also been suggested by my closest advisors that Castro should be going on the list, but I get the sense that, as fuming as he looks in this pic, two minutes after it was taken he'd reverted to being a, well, pussycat.

Yay Gloucester a Catbook friend! Ok so Jasper didn't make it to the short list BUT I love his expression! Great photo!
What a great line-up & I'm thrilled that Castro was under consideration. But you're quite right: although he bullies Twinkie a bit and has his grumpy moments, he really is a pansy pussycat! =^.^=
What a scary bunch!!!
Good luck everyone!
If I were the postman I would go nowhere near the top one.
Zorro to win! He tears up lawns for goodness sake. How hard can you get?
Plus he has got the best name ever. Brilliant owner to choose it. He must be a constant comedy companion.
Actually I had the hardest cat ever. He was called Timmy and fought the Akita Dog I stupidly brought home before leaving me to live with a mad lady in the village whose house had 20 cats in. He was the Boss appparently.Hard. Hard. hard.
The picture of PAT is fantastic...love it
what sweet looking cats and so funny too :-)
Best of luck to all the contenders....They are all great...Glad it's not my job to pick a winner!!...I'd have too many First places...Lol
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