George Harrison, born on 29th Nov 2001, the day the Beatle died. Breeder heard the news story and decided to see if anyone had officially registered a cat as George Harrison. They hadn't. So I am he. My sister has jumped on bandwagon and is now named after another icon, Dusty Springfield. But she ISN'T official.
Apparently owner had owned a "George" in a less fulfilled life , so I'm Harrison. Wobbly human logic means sister is "Springfield" so everyone thinks she's something to do with cartoons. To look at her, you'd agree.
Let me at that cat.
Favourite habits? Killing socks. Making sister's life a total nightmare.
What constitutes a perfect evening for you? The above.
Favourite food?
Defining moment of your life?
Falling off off first floor windowsill when *someone* shut curtains suddenly. Now have broken front tooth.
Any enemies?
What do you think?
If you could do one thing to make the world a better place for felines, what would it be?
Less moaning about gas bills, get that heating on 24/7.
If you could meet a celebrity who would it be and why?
Mr Hellmann.
Which one of the cats in Under The Paw would you like to be stuck in a lift with?
Line them up. I'll take them all on.
Brief biography?
Still much to do but suspect I will be remembered for revealing collection of neighborhood socks. I have stolen from THE VERY BEST in West London. I drag them to my food bowl and crunch them with my biscuits.
We're wondering if you have any sparkly socks, Harrison. If not, may we invite you to peruse our servant's collection of sequined, rhinestoned, and beaded footwear...
Mayo? MAYO??? We shudder at the thought. ;)
you are very cute Harrison. Squeaky also has a broken front tooth from falling off a windowsill!
You would have won the lottery in the old Sock Shop shops, Harrison!
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