Sunday 6 December 2009

For Any Cats Thinking Of Attacking A Rabbit: A Cautionary Tale


jmuhj said...

1. DANG, they need to do some serious clean-up at that place -- how awful for that kitten and rabbit to have to live in all that filth!

2. Now, would they be cabbits, or ribbits, or ???

chris said...

Ditto. They sure had plenty of time to film this but none to clean up the mess. Depressing.

Sly the Cat Care Guru said...

Ohhh boy!!!!!

The Curious Cat said...

Bad pun but that is one violated pussy! Still they look like they are having fun!! Sort of... xxx

ihavecat said...

I guess it's what rabbits do eh? Thus the expression......

ihavecat said...

Thus the expression!