Friday 9 October 2009

The Turtlinator: Enemy Of Cats


jmuhj said...

SO CUTE, I almost couldn't breathe while watching.

Hajnal said...

Aaawww these cats are really patient and gentle. Mine would have bitten the bully's head off...

Jaq said...

Very cute! My cat would have run away and hidden!

meemsnyc said...

Hehehehe, that is one brave little turtle!

The Curious Cat said...

I've never seen a turtle move so fast! How crazy! Is he biting the cat? I keep worrying for the turtles head with the cat's jaws...but obviously the cat has more to worry about! xxx

@Lester's said...

That is one mean turtle.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen a turtle move that fast with such a target in mind! WOWZA!