
Toki Smoky:


Tokyo Cat from Calum:







Anonymous from Maggie:

Anonymous from Stacey:




Three days to go until entries close! The winner will receive a £100 HAMPER of the addictive Applaws cat food, and a signed copy of Talk To The Tail, including within it an EXCLUSIVE illustration by the brilliant Jackie Morris. Second and third prizes will win signed Talk To The Tails. Submit your entries via Facebook, or by sending them to underthepaw@tom-cox.com.
My vote has to be for Ozzie followed closely by Beeswax!
I think Beeswax. But I love Flor. Flor gets the vote for the loony of the week.
Luvly looks like a survivor to me!
My cat's so tough she won't even pose for a photo- she bites!
Actually I'm lying, she's a wimp. But I have spent the last few weeks trying to get a tough picture of her. She only does adorable. Pathetic.
I love Flor too, but too much of a loon to be tough enough. My vote has to go to Punk
I love Flor but too much of a loon to be tough enough. My vote has to go to Punk
Anonymous from Stacey.. followed closely by Beeswax! Although I love them all lol! :)
You can tell he is an evil genius.
Beeswax looks like a Bond villain, but I love the before and after shots of Luvly. Just shows what a bit of love can do.
Kiffer would be proud of all of them. He was a wise and knowing cat with issues.
Beefer Beefer Beefer! He's well hard. Tough guys stand back - he's goin a bust your balls (if you still have any...that is)
Ozzie scares me.... LOL.
Some of them though... you can understand why a cat would look cranky if it was washed or abused... (I don't think cats would see the distinction between the two, lol)
gotta put my vote in for Luvly, thats one tough kitty to survive!
Gaia should definitely win. She's been through a lot and can handle anything that comes her way!
We are casting our vote for Gaia:
All of them? Ok, I love the ghost cat but my vote goes to Luvly, because he is a real fighter and he'll enjoy the prize :)))
Beeswax with his fist!
It's a toss up between Beeswax and Tokyo Cat I reckon.
My favourites are Beeswax and Monty
Blade for me, possibly a pirate in a former life.....
Beeswax! He is quite clearly plotting world domination. I bet he has a thumb too and is just hiding it.
Punk he the Toughest Cat
I vote for Luvly. To go from that filthy little beaten up bundle to the splendid cat we see now means Luvly is one tough puss.
I think Flor is in the wrong contest! We like Scoob Ditty!
I think Flor is in the wrong contest! LOL! Our vote is for Scoob Ditty!
Luvly started her little life out bad but found love and looks to be pampered ever since. Blade looks like he stays outdoors where theres a fight around every corner and he's ready for it.Arrrrrr
Allegro is so tough that I'm almost too scared to post this YouTube video of her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTeBo90mKvg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Allegro, Allegro, Allegro. This cat has needed restraining in a crush cage - that's usually only for big, aggressive DOGS - at the vet's, not to mention the 'Warning - Vicious Cat!' labels on her computer records. I swear she ENJOYS causing pain. That white silky coat fools everyone...at first. She's the prettiest sociopath you ever will meet. BUT SHE WILL CUT YOU.
My office opinions differs, John is voting for Toki Smoky!
Allegro!! Unbowed and unbeaten since 1994.
YIKES!!!! They all look pretty tough and scary, but my vote is for Blade!!
YIKES!!! They all look tough and scary, but my vote is for Blade!!!
Tokyo Cat from Calum is the real badass here. He's not faking it like some of the others. I can tell...
Although I'm a contender, I'm voting for Beeswax, cos he looks well 'ard.
Allegro for sure. The others may *look* tough, but Allegro is the devil in a white fluffy coat. Tough as the proverbial old boot.
Beefer the Beast . . . But then I'm biased, he is the father of our blind rescue kitten Lily, the Beauty.
Hard to tell from a photo
I'd like to see vet reports
Scoob-Ditty gets my vote!
We found her on Bangkok's mean streets two years ago with 3 infants and her eye hanging out of her head. My girl is a survivor! I raised her babies while she recovered from surgery, and now she lives with me. Now she helps me raise more orphan kittens. She knows when to snuggle and when to smack!
Can you argue with this?
Beeswax all the way!!
Luvly is the toughest one there!
1: Beeswax
My mind control is working perfectly, that's it human fetch me some food, bha ha ha.
Mutant head cat just totally rocks!
3. Allegro
that cat is just pure evil and the photo is just a brief snippet of the reign of terror Allegro has inflicted...
Blade is the toughest cat EVER!!
Blade is the most Badazz cat I've every known. Even his gf is tough! He rules with an iron paw. Go Bladey! Go Bladey!! Go Bladey!!!
Beeswax has my vote for the toughest attitude. Flor looks a complete -and wonderful- nutter. Luvly should win survivor.
Blade has my vote
I vote for Blade
My heart goes out to all of these babies.... but I must say that Luvly has touched my heart.
Luvly for me - he must be tough to go from the before pic to the after one.
Luvly looks like the Ultimate Survivor to me
Luvly, hands down! To have gone through what he did and survive - no question, he's the toughest. And the cutest.
My vote goes to Gaia
Allegro has got it. I'm damn sure the next photo in that series is of a bloodied stump and Allegro chewing on the spoils of victory.
Allegro has got this in the bag. The next photo in that series must be of a bloody stump and Allegro looking pleased after his feeding.
Oh Tom where is jake Nutternut? Rescued from a pigsty where he was tormented on a daily basis by the pupils from a school for pupils with special educational needs, Jake Nuttercat is the proverbial iron fist in velvet paw. He took such a dislike to Harley Davidson-Quinn Harley had to be brought from North Wales to Hertfordshire to be ministered to by Greebo (current Toughest Cat)
Gaia please!! (Although there are somep retty tough-looking competitors!)
Monty... with his age and experience he can pulverise any of the others just with an evil look!
Allegro the Annihilator! The only reason she doesn't look battle-scarred is because SHE ALWAYS WINS THE FIGHT.
Beeswax! What a bruiser.
Gotta vote for Blade. Just look at those fangs and the wicked glint in his eye-- that is one tough cat!
Beeswax - pure evil!!
Beefer! He is definitely the toughest cat!
Luvly- what a survivor.
I think our "captain" should win, because he is NATURALLY mean! He is missing an eye and has one tooth that sticks out. If you looked like him, you would be mean, too!
Captain is the meanest cat on here, naturally!!
Beeswax and Ozzie are both looking tough. Hard to pick just one but Ill go with Ozzie.
Hubs says Punk, but my vote definitely goes to Beeswax!
ozzie is fierce!
Punk is so the archetypal tattered alley tom, but Luvly and Gaia look like real warriors. Tough choice, but my vote goes to Luvly!
I think it has to be Beeswax. With Monty as the evil brains behind the scenes.
Punk is awesome.
Punk it should be. Clearly he has the upper body strength for close-in combat. That he doesn't seem to have a mark on him just shows how good he is.
An honorable mention to Luvly for tough endurance and to his new owners for being feline-o-philes.
Luvly & GAIA!!!!!!
My favorites are Monty first, Blade second.
Paws down, Beeswax! WOEM!
Beeswax looks like a real bruiser! But Luvly is a real survivor, so I think my vote goes for Luvly & close second Beeswax =^.^=
Scoob-Ditty <3
3. LUVLY, who's #1 in my heart. <3
Luvly should win, what a tough cat to survive and end up looking so wonderful!
I gotta go wit' my homboy Gaia, as we share the same eye-arrangement
OK, so I'm biased, so have to vote Luvly............but as that won't count (!) my vote goes to Gaia then Beeswax. Also love Flor, what a nutter!!!
Luvly and Gaia are the toughest based on what they've been through, Beefer looks the meanest, Scoob-Ditty looks the baddest and Beeswax looks the most evil genius. Love all the pics!
allegro gets #1 from me. terrifying old coot!
Luvly gets my vote as he looks like he has had to be tough to survive what looks like a pretty rough start in life.
Punk, gets my vote. He almost looks like part domesticated cat, and part wild cat. He looks a lot like a Snow Leopard.
Luvly, this is one tough kitty, a real rags to riches the hard way
Beeswax looks more like he's performing Barry White karaoke with an invisible microphone! So cute. Punk and Allegro look the toughest to me.
Well, I would have to nominate Monty since he is my boy. He is a tough old thing at age 20, who can take anything that life throws at him. And he keeps on chasing those geckos, for whom he is a holy terror.
Allegro is pure evil.
Look up malevolence in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of this cat.
Forget zombies and the fighting uruk-hai, this animal truly lives for the taste of human flesh!
Pat at your peril...
I vote for Allegro
Beeswax should win. I just love that face!
Blade has my vote! He is as tough as they come!
I know Allegro. She was born with a scowl and no remorse. Bless. I vote for her.
I know Allegro. She was born with a scowl and no remorse. Bless. I vote for her.
Allegro gets my vote :)
1. Ozzie
2. Punk
3. Allegro
Love Ozzie - he is FIERCE!
Monty is definitely my favourite, and gets my vote. Some of the others look vicious, but the look on Monty's face says "I'm so tough I can afford to be laid back about it".
Gaia definitely!
Please don't tell Allegro that I voted for her as she may seek revenge and her teeth look very sharp and nasty let alone her razor like claws.
Allegro! Doglets and humans the world over have trembled at her whim.
I'd say Punk first, then Beeswax. I know their types, and they're not to be messed with!
I vote for Allegro - obviously about to sink her fangs into fresh flesh!
Definitely Allegro. I have to say that, because otherwise I'm going to wake up in the morning with no feet.
blade or gaia methinks
Any old cat can *look* tough. Allegro *is* tough.
After pet setting for Allegro and her terrified dog family, I'm in still in therapy... can't shake that feeling of being quietly stalked. Wondering when the attack will come. Knowing. Wondering.
Those poor, poor dogs.
Any old cat can *look* tough. Allegro *is* tough.
After pet setting for Allegro and her terrified dog family, I'm in still in therapy... can't shake that feeling of being quietly stalked. Wondering when the attack will come. Knowing. Wondering.
Those poor, poor dogs.
Let me put it this way. If I saw Punk in the street I'd cross to the other side, bow my head & pray he didn't want to beat me up for my pocket money. Which he'd probably use to purchase new voles as he's hunted them to extinction in his neighborhood. My vote goes to Punk.
I think we need to hear the background story behind Luvly.
My vote goes to Tokyo Cat. Or Beeswax.
Allegro the devil cat FTW!
My vote is for Gaia, the one-eyed wonder cat.
1Flor, 2 Ozzie, 3Beeswax. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I think of them all, PUNK looks like the one that in genuinely TOUGH as nails! Some of the others look like sweethearts trying to pose as tough. Although I have to say, I wouldn't want to lay down next to Allegro for kitty loves, and Luvly definitely has great parents to take her from "before" to "after". Way to go!
Beeswax looks damn scary, like an old school prizefighter. Monty also seems to ooze malevolance, but i think Beeswax just pips it.
I think Beeswax, although Rufus bugcat (previous winner) remains the Hardest cat ever!
Scooter (aka Scoob-ditty) can take an 80 lb husky down with a single swipe. Don't worry about the prop it's just a warning - the power's in the paw!
He gets my vote.
I voted for Scoob Ditty!!!
He is one tough mean looking cat
Personally, I think Beeswax is planning to take over the world - all s/he needs is an underground bunker/dead volcano for his/her base!! As for Flor, s/he's clearly Beeswax's deranged sidekick!!! *g*
Some scary kittehs here, though Gaia deserves a hug me thinks, and Luvly's scrubbed up well!
My vote is for Blade! The toughest cat ever! Don't let his charming good looks fool you.
You all look pretty tough! But my vote goes for Blade!
toki smoki!
Fang all the way!!!!!(formerly known as "Anonymous by Maggie" She's tougher than a witch's tit, and meaner, too!!!!
1 Gaia and 2 Luvly.
Does anyone know what Luvly's story is?
My vote goes for Monty!
Luvly is a resident shelter cat at Shropshire Cat Rescue - his story is on the website at http://www.shropshirecatrescue.co.uk/ourshelter.html
He's a tough one!
My vote goes to Luvly. What a CHAMP !!!! GREAT GOING FAMILY !!!!
Beeswax gets my vote
Beeswax gets my vite
Monty, Beeswax and Blade are all equally tough...at a push I'm saying Beeswax. He looks totally badass!
Yeah...upon second viewing...definitely Beeswax! He's lile "I understand what you're saying, now tell me why I should let you live" Godfather style!
My vote is for Luvly
Luvly, Luvly, Luvly - a true fighter who's turned into a beautiful cat. Vote Luvly
LUVLY definitely gets my vote....have come across a lot of "tough" cats in my job (vet) - and it would have been a pleasure to have been involved in his transfomation to "after"!
Scoob Ditty has my vote. He knows how to handle a gun!
My Vote is for Scooby-Ditty! He looks like one tough cat!
Scoob ditty :)
Toky Smoky and Gaia! The toughest part is chooing.
1) Gaia
2) Punk
3) Luvly
My captcha: FURSE!
I initially voted for Beeswax, but I am going to have to bump him down to 2nd place, now that I have read Luvly's story. You got to be a tough cat to survive what Luvly survived!
my vote goes to luvly!
Toki Smoky reminds me of 'Biff' from Back to the Future!!??
Luvly followed by Beeswax for me!
Beeswax gets my vote
Tough doesn't mean aggressive ... I was going to go for Luvley until I read Gaia's story. I don't envy you judging them all Tom, they all look great ...
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie
Gotta vote for Allegro.
it Has to be Harald! Has To!
it has got to be Harald!
Ozzie is so tough not even the British weather can scare him!
I vote for Ozzie as he isn't even bothered by a bit of snow!
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