Sunday, 13 June 2010

Cats: Not Actually Able To Take Care Of Themselves, Despite The Hype


AFSS said...


Julie said...

I have read that a few cats have died getting stuck in tilt windows like that. -Especially if they get stuck by the head and hang themselves -like toddlers with blind cords. Our windows are the same upstairs and when our cats were kittens I always tied my curtains up in a knot so they couldn't climb up them and get stuck in the window if it was tilted open.
I hope people see this footage and realise just how dangerous these windows are to cats.

Jacq said...

all the people just watching...*shakes head* poor bloody cat mustve been in so much pain and you can see how panicked it is..

Anonymous said...

A feline "oh s**t" moment? easier, perhaps to laugh, knowing that the mog has come to harm, apart from the shame that comes from having your misfortune posted on the internet for all to see!


Anonymous said...

Sorry,bad typo. That should obviously be come to NO harm!!


Elisa "Mowzer" Pinheiro said...

Yes, I agree, it looks terrible for the poor cat, I was so panicked when I saw the video!! Luckily, it ended well!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the poor thing didn't have any internal injuries

Anonymous said...

il gatto della mia amica è morto così, appeso per il collo....terribile.......

Unknown said...

I am so glad someone eventually risked his life to help this cat and hope that no harm done to the cat .. and the man, of course. Dangerous windows.

Krissi said...

Windows are pretty dangerous. My cat was in the same position when we weren't at home :S A neighbour was able help her... We had to go to doctor... she couldn't walk anymore... well.. not good^^ Now she's fortunately healthy again... =)