Monday, 14 June 2010

One Month Of Living Here, And My Lodger Gets It

Great quote from my Russian-Swedish lodger, Katia, last night, regarding my moggies:

"I've realised. Ralph is like the guy I fancy, but The Bear is the guy I love. The other two are cats."


Julie said...

"The other two are cats".

How DARE she!

CeliaB said...

I see The Bear is now imparting his wisdom to inferior beings, vis his twitter. Is Ralph planning on doing the same?

jmuhj said...

Ah, Julie, Julie. Dost thou not realize that that is the greatest compliment there is? Indeed, they ARE cats! Have you ever met anyone better than a cat? I haven't! ;)

Love your cats! Especially Janet.

Julie said...

I know, I know, but the implication is that Shipley and Janet are somehow lesser beings than Ralph and The Bear. They are all cats, but none of them are 'just' cats.
(As the owner of a 'special needs' cat myself I have a special fondness for the -allegedly-intellectually challenged Janet).

Unknown said...

The Bear is on Twitter? Ooh where is link?

Unknown said...

The Bear is on Twitter?

Unknown said...

I found The Bear on Twitter. His tweets are way more wisdom-packed than Deepak Chopra's.

maya said...

cute pictures :D

check out my little kitten: