Sunday 22 November 2009

These Are The Best Chickens I Have Ever Seen

I defy anyone to find better pictures of poultry than these from The Telegraph.


Jacqueline said...

they are ..... interesting looking.
I wonder what cats would think of them? 'They smell like chickens but they look so weird' hahahaha
Are you getting into chickens now too?

Sly the Cat Care Guru said...

Thos chickies looks vewy nice!

Jans Funny Farm said...

No, we don't think we can. Impressive chickens!

Liz said...

Great chicken pictures! good work.

Unknown said...

wow, how fancy are they! hey good lookers!

jmuhj said...

Cat 1: "Looks weird!"
Cat 2: "Tastes like chicken!"
Cat 1: *SMILE*