Longer term readers of this blog will probably remember the Toughest Cat competition, Little Cat Diaries' most popular photo event of last summer. Some of you might even have made it onto the shortlist. All in all, the competition generated around 800 entries, and the winner, Rufus Bugcat (see above), was a moggy of phenomenal, unrivalled hardness. To mark the upcoming paperback publication of Under The Paw: Confessions Of A Cat Man I have decided to revive the competition - in fact, I might well make it an annual event. Entry is simple: either post your photo (you can send more than one if you like, but no more than three) on the event board on Facebook - and do remember to join the Under The Paw group there as well - or send it to underthepaw@tom-cox.com. Please feel free to invite your friends too. Previous entrants are not allowed to resubmit photos, UNLESS your cat has been working out since then and you have new photos which you genuinely believe show just how much tougher he or she has got in the interim.
This is a real challenge, since it's hard to imagine any cat outharding Rufus, but I'm really looking forward to assessing the contenders. The Bear, naturally, will have final vote. The top three entries will win copies of the paperback, signed by both me and - presuming nobody minds a mudstain in their book - The Bear, and the outright winner will receive some additional cat goodies. Those who'd like to peruse last year's longlist can do so by scrolling back to last June and July's littlecatdiaries posts.
Ooooh, we are excited. The cats are already in the gym pumping iron to get ready!!
Could we please change the competition to the biggest wuss my cat Ka - zar would win that competition hands down is anything but tough.
Every time I see that photo of Zorro from the last competition I laugh so hard I cry!
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