Saturday 16 February 2008

The Bear's Expensive Tastes

It wasn't my intention to advertise on this blog, but this stuff is magic. It might even have altered my lifelong scepticism towards "gourmet" cat foods (you know - the ones with the adverts with women in expensive silk dressing gowns). The man who initially tried to sell it me started eating it himself to prove how good it was and while Dee and I haven't gone that far yet, we've ordered a job lot of it for The Bear, and it seems to be contributing to his reconditioning (the chunk of fur that had disappeared from his flank before Christmas has regrown).

He's been wolfing it down on the kitchen work-surface, whilst taking imperious glances down to the more inferior members of his species chowing down on their Felix salmon sachets, then going for a big sleep in his "Certified Reconditioned" computer box. Obviously Dee and I do sometimes give my other five cats some Applaws as well, since we wouldn't want to practice too much favouritism, but we can't help feeling that The Bear somehow deserves it more because of his tougher life. Either that, or he's really got us trained with that new big-eyed look of his - the one where he just seems to give a tiny nod in the direction of the top of the fridge, where the Applaws is kept. He hasn't seemed to enjoy his food this much since the legendary day in 2001 when he ate a pop tart followed by some broccoli.


The Ginger Darlings said...

Yum! We are all suffering here as She has decided to feed us on tinned food and we miss our sachets. However, Maurice had a close encounter with a bear of another variety so pop over to our blog and take a look!
We will be wandering off to take another look soon, see if there are any more about.
Love from the gingers

CatWitch said...

Hi, Tom...sure! I'll exchange/pass on links. Jeez, I really need to dust off the old blog, too...darn dog is keeping me busy!

Unknown said...

It's rather pricy but I may see if my little Pig would like it. He's such a fuss-pot.

3 Cat Blog said...

One of us is eats too much and the other is in the middle when it comes to food (it's like goldie locks or something!) lol. We may have to check this out.

Unknown said...

My cats have been treated to this food for the past year. It looks good enough to eat in a sandwich let alone for puss! Also noticed that there is rather less in the litter tray!

Myst (Muddy's Brother) said...

Exchanging links sounds good to me. You are one handsome cat!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

I wonder if you can get that in the States? It looks great. My cats would have fits for it.
Bear sure is a cuties.
ML (Mary Lynn)

Spooker said...

Love the picture in the "certified reconditioned" box!

The Bear should join us over at House Panthers!

Fat Eric said...

Hi Bear

You sound like you are a British cat like me. I am Fat Eric a floofy ginger kitty blogging in London. Nice to meet you.
I eat Butchers Classic tinned food, and am not allowed any dry food since I was diagnosed diabetic last year. Butchers is supposed to be the best tinned food for diabetics, low sugar, low carbs. Luckily I really like it. But then I like all food...

Milton said...

Hi there!
Nice to meet you, and welcome to the Cat Blogoshpere. I'm not sure we can get that food here in the US, but I will make sure that my person, mombean I call her, looks for it at the shops.

Unknown said...

Hello, The Bear, we saw your blog listed at the cat blogosphere and wanted to stop by and say hi. We definately want to know more about a kitty who eats poptarts and broccoli.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, don't seem to see where yoo can get that in the U.S....Bear sure is cute, but pop tarts and broccoli!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi! We read about you at the cat blogosphere! We would like to add you to our links!
we love making new friends so come and visit us when you get a chance.
Sammy and Miles Meezer and Baby Bill

Artsy Catsy said...

Yes, we would like to exchange links. We presume you mean blog links, not golf links. We are not golfers; we are, in fact, cats. However, this is not a distinction easily made, since both are known to chase balls.

Many Meows,
CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
Artsy Catsy

P.S. Our mom is a writer, too, and she admires your work.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

If it's food, I'm all over it. It's nice to meet you. I came over from the cat blogosphere.

The Cat Realm said...

Yummie - that stuff actually sounds good!!! No grains - important for us carnivores!
How come you let your human blog???
We hope to hear from YOU in the future, hahahahahahaha!

Karen Jo said...

That sounds like really good cat food. I'm glad you found it for The Bear and that it is helping him. I would love to exchange links with you. I'm at

Julia Buckley said...

Aw, so glad lovely Bear is feeling better. Gorgeous pics - I could just pick him and cuddle him! ...which probably wouldn't do much for his digestion.

Anonymous said...

The Bear kind of looks like our little guy Rico. check out our blog! ; - ) As soon as we have our links up we will link to your page if you will kindly link to ours!

- Rico's Mommy and Daddy