Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Best Cat-Related Screenshot Of The Month


Anonymous said...

Which is better for one's health? Cats probably.

Sarah said...

That's a great combination for a fun-filled Friday night.

Moe Par said...

Were those cats dopes? Pot heads? Cool cats with munchies? haha

Pets-Kids Photography said...

Jeez. I hope that the cats were not all drugged up and messed up. They do like catnip...I recognize Rob Jennings on the news. I grew up in South Jersey. Interesting post!

Pets-Kids Photography said...

I was just visiting South Jersey a week ago and saw an Action News about an animal cruelty incident- lots of dead cats found who were sacrificed due to religious ceremonies. People can be cruel. Can you believe that these people who sacrificed the cats are not put in prison because they did it for religion? That doesn't sound right.