Monday, 21 November 2011

How Long My Cats' Tails Are

It appears that while I was away in Devon over the weekend, my nextdoor neighbours, Deborah and David, who were very kindly feeding my cats for me, decided to measure their tails, and see how they shape up next to the tail of their cat, Biscuit. They then proceeded to write the results on my kitchen blackboard*.

* For regular Under The Paw readers: Billy is the Bear's "other" name.

Read Under The Paw.
Read the sequel, Talk To The Tail.


Anonymous said...

Biscuit must be very petite!

sparky the tortoise said...

Tom - it's their tales!

Incidentally, Shipley's was particularly tricky because of the curly bit at the end, so you may want to double check before knitting them those tail warmers you were talking about.


Unknown said...

Ah, yes, that would make much more sense! (*Quickly edits post*.)

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda worried: what *have* you been feeding them to stunt their growth so? No Main Coon those ones.

deborah said...

I thought you might like to see these - surely worthy of Guest of the Month!


Jeanne said...

You had me curious, so I tortured my five with a ruler and discovered that Zander's tale is a magnificent 13.5 inches long, from the base where it attaches to his rump to the tip of the fur. (He was long and rangy in his youth; he's a red bi-color mutt, btw.)

Julie said...

I wonder if the tail length relates to the cat body length/height? (In the same way people's arms across fingertip to finger tip is the same as their height, and your foot matches your elbow to wrist measurement). Are we including fur in the tail length measurements? Because the fluffy cats get an inch or two advantage if so.

I must measure my gang, although it's Frontline time so they are avoididng me at the moment...