Monday 31 October 2011

Probably The First Photo Ever Taken Of Me With A Cat

Read about me and Felix in Under The Paw.
Read the sequel, Talk To The Tail.


Cat Mum said...

Ahhh!!!! Look at those little eager hands! Lovely picture, Tom.

Liz said...

i have one similar to this with me as a baby and our cat Ginger (who was about the size of Squeaky - ie. bigger than me at the time). I am hugging him and he's trying to get away, its a major Do Not Want. A foreshadowing of events to come over the next 29 years haha

Genine said...

I have a similar picture too - me aged about 3 in my nightie protecting my beloved....television.

thefoxmistress said...

Love the blobbage and cattitude - no wonder you ended up an addict!