Thursday 24 February 2011

I'd Been Really Looking Forward To Drinking This Glass Of Water


Esselhaych said...

Schoolboy error. Don't forget, what's theirs is theirs and what's yours is theirs too.

Doodle Bean said...

What's other people's is theirs, too!

The Girl said...

Ha I discovered Maggie doing this the other day and several times since. What I'm really trying hard not to think about is the fact that she's probably been doing it for a very very long time without me realising.

Cat Drawings said...

Happens all the time at my place. I have two glasses of water on the bedside table. One for the cats and one for me. They seem to have worked out which is theirs.

ZuckerBaby said...

My cats now have their own glasses for water near their food bowls. They will still attempt to drink out of my glass occasionally, but less so now that they have their own.

A friend's cat used to refuse to drink water out of anything but a wine glass. It was elegant and ridiculous all at once.

Julie said...

Two of ours love the probiotic yoghurt drinks and will attempt to get their heads at them as soon as you open one.

frogmaiden said...

One of my friends cats (now no longer with us sadly) had her own engraved pint glass and would drink pint after pint of water from it each evening :) It did worry me slightly when i first saw her do this, and sure enough the poor thing had diabetes, but at least she was well loved and looked after :)