1. My favourite 1960s West German vase (smashed by Janet's powertail).
2. The entire emotion of pathos, and all its bastardised forms.
3. My one remaining promotional mug, from my first book, Nice Jumper, circa July 2002: the only one, to my knowledge, left in existence, retrieved from the house of my late grandparent (not smashed - yet).
4. People who use the phrase "Any more for any more?" instead of saving time and annoyance by simply using the phrase "Any more?".
5. Snow-based defecation.
6. My new habit of shouting "REEEOOAAAWLPH!" at Ralph as a way of stopping him shouting "REEEOOAAAWLPH!" outside my bedroom door at 5am.
7. Any use of the word "LOL" outside the context of LOLcats.
8. The unexpected, redoubled return of The Foodwhistle Bird.
sorry to hear about your vase :-(
and I take it Ralph is still shouting "REEEOOAAAWLPH!" outside your bedroom door at 5am?
happy New Year!
well, look on the bright side...my cat pooped in my hubbys favourite mug not too long ago, and was really proud of his little trick.
Echoing greenspace and lmao'ing after revisiting the foodwhistle bird post and also, my comment in regards to it. ;)
I think you should know that we adopted a 4 month old black kitten named Ralph as our good deed for the Festive Holiday Season. Ralph had been in the medical ward at the shelter where I volunteer for severe chemical burns (we don't know if it was intentional or if he got underneath something and it dripped on him). He has rewarded us for our good deed by shredding our shower curtain (twice), using our good sofa for scratching, and tormenting our other 6 cats who have been overheard discussing running away from home.
One of my new feline friends, Cooper, knocked off an early 20c Australian pottery vase I was particularly fond of and had had for about 20 years. Was heartbroken, but it was my fault for not moving all the breakables while I was breaking in new cats. :-(
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