Friday 1 August 2008

The latest instalment of Simon's Cat

Of course, the whole thing's genius, but it's the tone of that meow that really makes it: Who is responsible for it? (The sound is credited to "Shrooty" but a quick Google search reveals that this is a sound design services company, and not, in fact, a cutely named mog.)


Anonymous said...

Simon was on The Culture Show a couple of weeks ago and it transpires he's responsible for the cat's mieow. And what a fine job he does too!

Anonymous said...

I was sent the one where the cat hits him over the head with the baseball bat some time ago and absolutely loved it. Thanks for allowing us to see two more. I hope there's more to come. Love them !!

TeresaMartin said...

Fantastic video. It made me laugh just because it's so typical of my cats. Would love to see more.

Anonymous said...

oh i love this video, its my cats all over...

Anna Hatfield said...

Love the video. Shruti is also an Indian musical term. Hard to describe but giving tone or pitch. Every translation seems to touch on another level on subtlety. So a good name of a plaintive toned mog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had never even heard or seen about this video, so thanks for that! I found it very amusing/hilarious since the creator got the cat realism down... except I have to admit, the cat turning the tv off kinda took me out of it a bit... only because I liked the cat to remain realistic instead of somehow picking up the remote and using it's paw!