So goodbye August 30th, 2010. Many will forget you, and cast you heartlessly into the winds of time, but for me you will always live on strong in the memory as "The Day My Lodger Almost Smoked A Bag Of Catnip By Mistake."
I'm sure it has been tried by some student somewhere.
I'm sure it has been tried by some student somewhere.
Looks like she may be onto something there, Tom. Ya think??? (btw, who's the feline? ;) )
Did he roll around on his back salivating and making yodelling noises? If yes - must have been some good stuff he took. Send to.........
I'm sure many have passed catnip on as the 'real stuff' to naive buyers!.... And maybe they got the effects they anticipated! lol!
stop it! seriously! LOL love it!
you know, on more than one occasion I have wondered...should I give that a try?
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