Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Broccoli: The Secret Ingredient In All Good Cat Food?

funny pictures of cats with captions

I've already mentioned The Bear's odd fondness for broccoli. I like to think this makes him unique, but perhaps not...


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Socks likes lettuce. ~S,S & C

Liz said...

Our other cat Andy likes to eat steamed carrots off a little plate at the dinner table with everyone (while sitting on a chair). Very cute.

jmuhj said...

LOVE this video. This KITTEN! is adorable and acts, sounds, even looks a bit like, my Baby Su when she was that age.

We prefer corn here, btw.

ChrisJ said...

What I would like to know is what is the END (and I do mean end or I suppose it could come out of the front end) of eating broccoli???

Cute kitty though, as long as you don't have to clean up after it.

Anonymous said...

Humphrey has been known to eat spinach and also an entire bunch of carnations which were given to me on my birthday. If I feed him a certain cat food that has peas in, he'll pick out the peas to eat first, then start on the meat ...

Unknown said...

My Kitten, Pepper, also loves broccoli...I had given some to the dog, Dusty, and she left a bit then Pepper finished it off. She also loves olives...actually she will eat pretty much anything if you let her, where as Dusty is really fussy ***strange animals*** buy I love 'em to bits.

I love the cat sitting on the couch just watching perplexed!!!

Cactus Girl said...

Jake Perry, the man with the oldest cat in the world, feeds his cats broccoli for breakfast. He mixes it in with bacon, eggs, and coffee.

evenstar said...

My three food machines will try everything once, Maya (aka big fat kitty) will do anything for corn.

Carolina deWitte said...

My cat Nik-Nik likes broccoli too, but she prefers it steamed with butter, no lemon though. She also loves cantaloupe. Actually, anything you drop on the floor is fair game to her, I really have to be careful. I dropped an aspirin tablet once, and had to forcefully remove it from her mouth, she pounced the second it hit the floor. My other cat is your normal picky cat. Your cats are all amazing.

Anonymous said...

My cat Geronimo likes broccoli and beetroot - in preference to meat! When a kitten he also used to steal baby courgettes (zucchinis) from the rubbish bin... and loves playing with chillies - although that may be more to do with the shape than the flavour. Another favourite is black olives - I presume because of the salt.

Anonymous said...

-Sasha likes to eat string of any kind. Once he inhaled a foot of elastic string, which thankfully "passed."
-Sasha once ate a toy mouse, WHOLE, then regurgitated it on the kitchen floor.
-Romeo LOVES yogurt. He waits patiently for a small amt while his human eats yogurt.
-Yuri ate a 4~ inch piece of carpet, necessitating surgical retrieval.

Trudy MN