Sunday 29 June 2008

Blackjack NEWSFLASH!!!

Sorry to interrupt the parade of Hard Cats, but regular visitors to the pages of the Little Cat Diaries will be relieved to hear that the elusive Blackjack, the last Olympic stray to outwit the heroic trapping efforts of Celia Hammond, is finally and safely in the care of C.H.A.T. Well done Celia!


mysilentundoing said...

Aww bless I'd been wondering about that little elusive trooper for a few months now. Glad to hear he's safe and sound =)

Anonymous said...

The BBC was supposed to be going to the Lewisham Centre to do a piece on Blackjack this morning, so I'm guessing it will be on the Lunchtime and Evening News.

Thanks, Tom, for keeping the interest alive in this story and highlighting the extreme lengths Miss Celia goes to just to make sure that if a cat needs help, it gets it.
