My mum took this photo in a village in Oxfordshire. It's sweet and everything, but I have to admit that my initial reaction was, "What about the poor cats?!!" and to wonder if the village had a kind of Logan's Run attitude to feline life: youth is sacred, but once you've reached full maturity, who cares if you're run over, since you're worthless anyway? Or maybe I'm reading a little too much into it....
I think not, Tom. It's like the "SLOW -- CHILDREN PLAYING!" signs here. I guess they expect the adults, cats and hoomanz alike, to clear the way for almighty vehicles. Hmmm.
I think it may have more to do with expectations. ie. an adult cat or human is expected to know how to avoid cars. where as children and kittens are expected to have little or no ability to sense when it is ok to be in a street, therefore making it more important for motorists to take caution in this are where children and kittens abound. so, in flordia, there may be a sign that says, "slow, senile geezers" where old folks out of their gourd are more likely to shuffle into the road. of course, I mean that in the nicest and most respectful way possible. ;-)
kitten is a blanket term for feline/kitty cat. as Squeaky (aged 7 years) can tell you.
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