Monday 10 November 2008

Japanese Agraphobic Kitteh!

Maru, the japanese cat who loves to leap in tiny, tiny boxes, practically has his own channel! I'll take this over Dave anyday...


Dee said...

Hahaha...that was so funny....:)

Anonymous said...

I love how he just kind of "splats"... So cute!

ChrisJ said...

Hilarious! Especially the legs flat out at the back!

Anonymous said...

This gets funnier with every replay! Love the flat out on his belly bit.

Anonymous said...

My cat Maia does this...but only with empty Stella Artois dumpy bottle boxes. We had our takeaway delivered in a potentially amusing VodKat box (honestly, it's a brand) but it evoked absolutely no interest whatsoever. And it would have made such an amazing lolcat...